Based on the absurd fodder that is the substance of the news story blogged about below, Talia and I decided to dedicate a post to "You Know You've Been in Space Too Long If....." Honestly these will be a lot funnier if you're on drugs or coming down from a NY Burger & Co. lunch high.
You know you've been in space too long if you wear diapers during car rides.
You know you've been in space too long if you drop your coffee because you set it in air for a second to put on your gloves.
You know you've been in space too long if you pick up an oatmeal raisin cookie, hold it to your head, and exclaim loudly "Wow, this is cookie is bigger than my face!"
You know you've been in space too long if "69"ing seems unbearably difficult.
You know you've been in space too long if the wind on Earth forces you to shout on a crowded sidewalk, "Fuck! My! Face!"
You know you've been in space too long if Fly Me to the Moon: Getting the Most from Your Martian is your favorite self-help title.
You know you've been in space too long if Live a Little, Launch a Little: Five Steps for Widening Your Social Orbit is your second favorite self-help title.
More to come as transmissions are received, but please feel free to add.
You know you've been in space too long if you look forward to the pleasant crunch of ice cream....
You know you've been in space too long when space jokes about ice cream totally turn around a shitty day.
You know you've been in space too long when you can't even feel your thigpen anymore.
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